Design protection

Design protection protects the appearance of the product. You can protect yourself from others making and selling products with a similar look and design.

Design protection grants exclusive rights to manufacture and sell a design. Most design registrations are industrially manufactured products. However, consumer art may also be considered. Examples include cutlery, lamps, furniture, tools, toys, cars and car parts, and the decoration of goods, etc.

A prerequisite for obtaining a design registration is that the appearance is new. It must not resemble existing products on the market. Design protection can last up to 25 years - as long as you renew the protection every 5 years.

You can get design protection in Denmark and abroad. We advise on design registration in all countries. For more information on the geographical validity of different design registrations read the article here.

To find out where in the world you should register your design, it's important to map out which markets you want to market your design in - and where the risk of someone infringing your design is greatest.

Få et tilbud på en designregistrering

Ved du allerede, hvor du ønsker at registrere dit design? Så er du altid velkommen til at ringe eller tage en snak med os i et omkostningsfrit møde.

Du har også mulighed for at bestille et uforpligtende tilbud på registreringen af dit design ved at udfylde formularen nedenfor. Har vi brug for yderligere informationer, kontakter vi dig.

Ja tak — jeg bruger gerne 10 minutter på at snakke med en rådgiver om mine muligheder.