With a registered trademark, you secure the rights to your brand, such as a name or logo. Specifically, you protect your trademark by protecting a distinctive name, word, symbol, figure, logo or a combination of several of these.
With a registered trademark, you secure the rights to your brand, such as a name or logo. Specifically, you protect your trademark by protecting a distinctive name, word, symbol, figure, logo or a combination of several of these.
A trademark is the mark that companies use to identify their products or services to customers. In many cases, the trademark can become the most valuable asset a company has. For example, what would APPLE®, COCA-COLA®, SAMSUNG® or LEGO® be without its trademarks?
A trademark is protected by being registered in a public register, called a trademark register, which gives the owner a provable right to the trademark and also gives the owner an exclusive right to use the trademark for certain goods or services.
All trademarks are not automatically registered. Whether or not a trademark can be registered is governed by the trademark law of the country or countries where trademark protection is sought. The basic requirement for registration is that the mark must have 'distinctive character'. That is, it must be capable of distinguishing the goods of the proprietor of the trade mark from those of others.
A trademark registration is valid for 10 years, after which it can be renewed for new 10-year periods as long as desired. Benefits of registering a trademark:
Gives exclusive right to use the trade mark.
Provides greater certainty that you are not infringing the rights of others.
May prevent registration and use of similar trademarks for others.
Registration and use of the symbol ® warns of the exclusive right.
Make it easy to prove trademark rights.
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We are always happy to provide you with a non-binding offer for the registration of your trademark and your registration options. Fill out the form below - or give us a call on +45 33 13 09 30. You can also write to All inquiries are treated with full confidentiality.
About trademark
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