Free consultation

Book et omkostningsfrit møde, som er en måde for jer at forstå og få overblik over jeres muligheder for beskyttelse helt uforpligtende. Som rådgivere har vi tavshedspligt, og al information, der udveksles med vores rådgiver, behandles med fuld fortrolighed.

We can meet you wherever you are - and you are of course welcome to join us at our offices or for a digital meeting.

You can count on 100% honest advice. If you don't have a protection need or options, we'll tell you (read more in Why Larsen & Birkeholm?). We are always happy to provide a non-binding offer for a job.

You can contact us at or 33 13 09 30. You can also use the contact form below.

➤ Address

Banegårdspladsen 1
1570 Copenhagen V

Rask Skovvej 4
8763 Rask Mølle

Meeting by appointment:
Start Up Café Aalborg
C. A. Olesens Gade 4, st.
9000 Aalborg


Monday - Thursday
8.30 - 16.00

8.30 - 14.00

☎ Contact
+45 33 13 09 30