Hvad koster det at
søge patent?

Patent filing has a reputation for being expensive - but what does it actually cost? Here we'll take a closer look at the cost of a patent, covering both the cost of 1) drafting and filing a patent application and 2) expenses that depend on where in the world you want protection.

First of all: for some companies, a patent - and its price - will be a valuable investment. For others, it will be an unnecessary use of resources.

In line with the Danish Patent and Trademark Office, we recommend that you decide early on whether your company needs to patent - it can often make the process simpler and cheaper if you get started early. At Larsen & Birkeholm, you are always welcome to a free introductory meeting.

Preparation and submission

There is no precise figure or official calculation of the average price of a patent application. However, estimates are available from some official channels:

For example, the University of Southern Denmark (SDU) estimates that preparing and filing a patent application typically costs between DKK 50,000 and DKK 80,000.

The Patent and Trademark Office estimates the average price at approximately DKK 60,000. The Board has also made an online cost simulation. At Larsen & Birkeholm, we have calculated our average cost for drafting and filing, which is, however, well below the estimated figures from SDU or the Patent and Trademark Office. 

The figures mentioned are for the preparation and submission of the patent application. However, it's important to keep a few things in mind.

Price depends on geography

On top of the cost of preparing and filing a patent application, there are a number of costs that depend on where you want protection.

SDU estimates that a PCT (an international patent application) costs on average 40.000 - 60.000 DKK. (Again, we find this figure slightly high when compared to our internal calculations.)

Filing costs per country are around DKK 30,000 - plus subsequent processing costs. The price for the latter varies greatly, but Larsen & Birkeholm can provide average prices for a number of countries and case types. You are welcome to contact us for more information.

Finally, there are the annual maintenance fees (applicable to both a patent application and an issued patent), which start at around €3,000 in each country and increase each year until the patent expires.

You may be able to apply for funding

In other words: The cost of applying for a patent varies and depends on a number of different factors. So to get a better idea of the price for your particular project will always require an individual assessment - and dialogue with the inventor/company to identify the need for protection.

Your project may also be eligible for support from the many funding schemes and foundations available. Here you are welcome to contact our IPR consultant Anne-Mette Bak Nielsen for a non-binding conversation. Anne-Mette has many years of experience as a Væksthus advisor and is almost guaranteed to have some good input for your project.




Få en pris på patentansøgning

Hos Larsen & Birkeholm kan du altid få et uforpligtende tilbud på patentansøgningen. Tilbuddet giver vi på baggrund af en dialog med dig som udvikler/opfinder og en af vore rådgivere. Samtidig kan du blive klogere på dine konkrete muligheder. Mødet med vores rådgiver er omkostningsfrit og kan foregå digitalt såvel som fysisk.

Ved udfyldelse af formularen nedenfor, sørger vi for at matche dig med en rådgiver til jeres specifikke projekt og vender tilbage indenfor et hverdagsdøgn. Du er ligeledes velkommen til at ringe og aftale nærmere.

Vi behandler alle henvendelser med fuld fortrolighed og benytter kun jeres kontaktinformationer i forbindelse med denne konkrete henvendelse.

Ja tak — jeg bruger gerne 10 minutter på at snakke med en rådgiver om mine muligheder.